Valentine’s Day Deluxe Tulip Bouquet


The Deluxe Tulip Collection features a curated bouquet of 15 premium tulips in Valentine’s Day colors, including doubles, bicolors, and peony styles. Wrapped in recyclable kraft paper and tissue, these tulips last 6 to 9 days in a vase, fully opening for maximum enjoyment. It’s the perfect fresh floral gift for loved ones on Valentine’s Day!

Local Pick up is available.Orders need to be placed 48 hours before the pick up date.

Given the perishable nature of fresh flowers, we don’t accept returns or exchanges. Thank you!

Category: SKU: N/A


For the longest vase life, we recommend giving the flowers fresh water every couple of days and recut the stems with each water change.



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Shipping Options

Saturday Pick up | Ravenswood All Saints Church | 10-2PM, Sunday Pick up | Wicker Park 2022 W North Ave | 9-2PM


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