Holiday Tulip Bouquet


We specialize in forcing tulips for everyone to enjoy in the winter time. All tulips are ultra fresh and hyper local. This is truly a farm to vase experience, like no other.

Enjoy the beauty and high performance of locally grown flowers!

This week we are featuring Triumph tulips with a beautiful bright red color. This is a medium bouquet with 7 stems.

Local pick up is available in Lincoln Square.

Delivery is available for evening drop off at the following zip codes 60625, 60640, 60660, 60626, 60618, 60657, 60613. Please add recipient’s name, and delivery address in the notes. Please choose delivery at check out.

Given the perishable nature of fresh flowers, we don’t accept returns or exchanges.

Thank you for your support!


Exposing tulips to heat and sunlight negatively impacts their vase life. Keep tulips in a cool area of your home so you can enjoy them for 6-9 days. This assumes you are trimming the bottom of the stems and changing the water every other day. Please keep the tulips out of a brightly lit window.

Additional information

Shipping Options

Delivery, Friday / Saturday Pick up 4750 N Rockwell, Monday | 4Legs Pet | 4725 N Damen, Sunday | The Robey | 2022 W North Ave, Tuesday | 4Legs Pet| 4725 N Damen


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