Gift Tulip Bouquet


We specialize in growing the highest quality winter tulips in a hydroponic set up.

Enjoy specialty varieties, grower’s choice. Our mixed tulip bouquets include color coordinated designs for a unique and very special gift to loved ones. The bouquet is wrapped in kraft paper sleeve and tissue paper.

This week we are featuring pinks, deep purples, cream, and bicolor tulips. They show layers of petals and long lasting vase life. The mixed bouquet includes 6 stems of specialty tulips.

Delivery is available for evening drop off within 2 miles of Lincoln Square. Please add recipient’s name, and delivery address in the notes. Kindly, please select delivery at check out. Our delivery fee is $10.

Pick up is available in Evanston, Lincoln Square, and Ravenswood and at the following market events:

Market Events we are participating at:

  • Saturdays | Ravenswood Community Market: 1/18, 2/15 & 3/22
  • Sundays | Wicker Park Farmers Market: 1/19, 2/2, 2/16, 3/2, 3/16 & 3/30

CSA Members in Bucktown, West Town and West Loop looking for additional bouquets can select the CSA Pick up option. Please confirm the day before pick up date (at the latest).

Given the perishable nature of fresh flowers, we don’t accept returns or exchanges.

Thank you for your support!


Exposing tulips to heat and sunlight negatively impacts their vase life. Keep tulips in a cool area of your home so you can enjoy them for 6-9 days. This assumes you are trimming the bottom of the stems and changing the water every other day. Please keep the tulips out of a brightly lit window.

Additional information

Shipping Options

Delivery, Friday CSA Pick up | iD Chicago, Friday CSA Pick up | The Refilleri, Friday/ Saturday | The Eco Flamingo | 4750 N Rockwell, Saturday CSA Pick up | The Unwaste Shop, Saturday Market | All Saints | 4550 N Hermitage, Sunday Market | The Robey Hotel | 2022 W North Ave, Tuesday | 4Legs Pet| 4725 N Damen, Wednesday | EPNA | 1804 Central St


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