Valentine’s Day Small Mixed Bouquet



Our small mixed bouquet is composed of three hydroponic and locally grown tulips, meticulously arranged with high-end greenery and filler flowers in Valentine’s day colors (pink, coral, red, deep pink, white, purple). The bouquet is ready for display. Our flowers come with clean stems and flower food.

We take pride in our eco-friendly packaging, as each bouquet comes in a recyclable and compostable sleeve.

For the longest vase life, we recommend renewing the water every two days, and trimming the stems with each water change.

These bouquets are available for pick up from Lincoln Square on Tuesday, February 13th in the afternoon/evening. Delivery is available on Tuesday morning, before 10 am. Delivery fees apply.

Given the perishable nature of fresh flowers, all sales are final.

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Shipping Options

Delivery, Lincoln Square Pick up


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